Retail Electricity Market Sees Further Liberalisation

Style: "70's look"With the progressive liberalisation of the electricity market in 2001, about 75% of total electricity demand in Singapore has since been opened up for competition. As a step towards full retail contestability, the Energy Market Authority has lowered the contestability threshold from the current 10,000 kWh to 8,000 kWh on 1 April 2014, and subsequently to 4,000 kWh on 1 October 2014.

SE_2 In addition, if a legal entity has multiple electricity accounts at different locations in Singapore, the entity can choose to become contestable in respect of any of the locations if the aggregated demand meets the prevailing contestability threshold.

As such, contestable customers will now also have the chance to get their existing premise(s) – that has previously not met the contestability threshold – to enjoy similar preferential rates as their contestable premise*.

Refer and Receive!
If you know of any business associates who may have multiple electricity accounts at different locations in Singapore, refer them to us and you will receive $100 Takashimaya shopping vouchers when your contact switches to Seraya Energy. Visit to register.

*Contestable customers may contact their respective Seraya Energy’s Sales representative for an account review and proposal.

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