Students and Customers Join YTL PowerSeraya to Conserve Energy

for-article-reap-psps-2011_newYTL PowerSeraya’s REAP (Responsible Energy Advocates Programme) saw its second batch of tertiary students complete 11 projects based on the energy conservation theme and being rewarded for their efforts recently with a prize presentation ceremony on 8 May 2012. Wholly sponsored by YTL PowerSeraya, the programme aims to develop tertiary students to be energy advocates by raising their awareness on energy conservation as well as to engage them in project work for the benefit of the wider community.

The top three winning projects impressed judges with their creativity and detailed thought that went into developing proposals that took into account feasibility of implementation. They include:

  • A wind energy park in Singapore for educational purposes by a team of Singapore Polytechnic students which earned them the top spot;
  • A proposal to improve the lighting energy efficiency of a building within the NUS campus that will yield an estimated savings of close to $100 per month.
  • A prototype solar assisted heat pump developed by a team of NUS students to harness waste heat energy generated from the air-conditioner to produce hot water, desalinated water and laundry drying functions. This proposal was recognised as a project with much potential in energy conservation for Singapore buildings.

for-article-reap-workshop-group-2011The projects were assessed by an independent panel of judges comprising representatives from YTL PowerSeraya, National Environment Agency (NEA) Singapore, South West Community Development Council and Equation Energy, an Energy Services Company.

Besides engaging youths in energy conservation, YTL PowerSeraya also seeks to educate our customers on energy conservation and encourage them to take eco-action. In March this year, the company held its second Earth Hour online contest to further reinforce customers’ awareness on energy conservation. The contest, which attracted more than 70 participants in five days, also had 65% of them pledge their commitment towards Earth Hour by switching off their office lights during lunchtime.

Through these initiatives that involve students, households and customers, YTL PowerSeraya hopes to achieve its vision of promoting a positive and sustainable environment.

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