Energy and Resource Conservation Efforts Pay Off

Seraya15AUG16664Taking small steps to practice energy conservation can often go a long way. When Seraya Energy initiated its Energy Makeover programme in 2013, it helped delivered an estimated total annual energy savings of up to 40,000kWh in its first year, thereby reducing customers’ energy costs. This also meant a reduction in carbon dioxide emission of 20 tonnes per year.

Meanwhile, its parent company YTL PowerSeraya has also been walking the talk. Recently it retained its Eco-Office status for another two years after first obtaining the certification in 2010. The company’s certification was renewed following an independent audit managed by the Singapore Environmental Council, the body administering the Eco Office certification scheme.

Part of the company’s on-going conservation efforts includes the following:


  • A switch to paper from sustainably managed forests under the FSC (Forest Stewardship Label) despite a 25% price premium over normal paper.
  • Cost savings from reduction in paper use were able to offset the price premium that comes with FSC paper. Part of this initiative included encouraging staff to switch to double-sided prints.


  • Use of light motion sensors at utility rooms and timers for drinks dispensers.
  • Switching office lights to more energy-efficient ones such as LED or T5 fluorescent lights (which helped decrease energy use per head).

There are benefits that practicing eco-office habits can bring for your company, including cost savings and an opportunity for you and your colleagues to stand for a meaningful cause. Taking small environmentally-friendly steps can help make a difference, and eventually lead your company on the road to a greener, better tomorrow!

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